Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Amber Rose Behind The Scenes of Complex Magazine


Men say: Women who dress provocatively are wild in bed.

Amber Rose says: If a girl wears a short skirt or dress, men automatically think, “She wants it, and she’s probably an animal in bed.” I just want to feel sexy today, I don’t want you. Men crack me up with that shit. [Laughs.] Those rich college girls are the main ones who get it in and have orgy parties on tape. Then there’s me—who stripped for seven years—who’s a total prude. I have a raunchy mouth, but I’m so not into that stuff.

Men say: Deep down, all women want a man with money.

Amber Rose says: It depends; we could have the garbage truck driver who treats us good and cooks, and really just fall in love with him. Or we can have the guy with millions of dollars, and he’s a fucking dick. I think women want a man with money, but sometimes they get one and realize he’s just a man with money. At the end of the day, money can’t make you happy.

Men say: Marriage is just a piece of paper.

Amber Rose says: Yes, it’s a piece of paper, but you’re really getting blessed in front of God and committing yourselves to each other. There are some women who as little girls dream about the wedding dress, the husband, the house, and the dog. As of right now, I don’t believe in marriage. I was raised by a single mother, so I don’t feel I need to be married to be happy and live my life.

Men say: Your girls don’t need to know what goes on in our bedroom.

Amber Rose says: It depends, ’cause I have a best friend who tells me shit about her life, and I tell her about mine. If you have somebody who’s been your friend for years, you trust them with your life, then that’s OK. If you just met the girl at work or have only known them for a couple of months, I don’t think that’s a good idea—they’re the ones who stab you in the back and try to fuck your man and shit. But men crack me up with that, too, because they tell their boys everything.

Theres more of the interview at (http://www.complex.com/blogs/2009/08/11/amber-rose-x-complex-the-exclusive-photoshoot-interview-video/)

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